The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the Federal Government’s new way of providing individualised support for people with a permanent and significant disability and people with severe mental illness.
FBC Tas is an approved provider of support services under the NDIS. We can assist eligible NDIS participants with the following supports:
Family Based Care charge at the price limit in the NDIS Support Catalogue for all supports
If you are a person with disability who wishes to participate in the NDIS, you must first be assessed against the access requirements on the NDIS website – www.ndis.gov.au/participants.html
supporting you at home to do the things you can and helping you with the things you can’t manage on your own.
Wellness emphasises identifying needs, aspirations and goals. It acknowledges and builds on strengths and has a focus on integrating support services as a path to greater independence and quality of life.
Reablement emphasises assisting people to regain functional capacity and improve independence. Similar to rehabilitation, it is goal-oriented and aims at full recovery where possible – it seeks to enable people to live their lives to the fullest.