Family Based Care Tasmania provides support services to people who are not eligible for government funded support or people who need more services than they are entitled to under government funded programs.
Through our Self-funded Support Program we can provide you with the support services you need at the time you need them.
Our Self-funded support services are flexible and can be matched to your personal circumstances and budget.
Call us to discuss your particular situation and needs and to obtain a quote for service.
The fee you pay depends on your individual circumstances and the support you require. Our Care Coordinator will work with you to work out a support plan that situations your financial situation.
supporting you at home to do the things you can and helping you with the things you can’t manage on your own.
Wellness emphasises identifying needs, aspirations and goals. It acknowledges and builds on strengths and has a focus on integrating support services as a path to greater independence and quality of life.
Reablement emphasises assisting people to regain functional capacity and improve independence. Similar to rehabilitation, it is goal-oriented and aims at full recovery where possible – it seeks to enable people to live their lives to the fullest.