Family Based Care Tasmania is accredited under the Tasmanian Government’s Home and Community Care (HACC) Programme to support younger people (less than 65 years) and their carers to people living on the North West Coast of Tasmania, including the West Coast and King Island.
The Tasmanian HACC Program provides funding for basic community care services that support persons who are
These services are to assist those who are at risk of losing the ability for independent living because of mental or physical disability or accident and/or who are at risk of premature or inappropriate admission to long term residential care.
Support Services
To access this support, you will first need to register with Tasmanian Community Care Referral Service (TCCRS). The TCCRS is the first point of contact for all Tasmanians, aged 64 years and under, looking for support.
Our Care Coordinators are available to help you work through the referral process. Contact us at 1800 684 098 for further information.
Our Care Coordinator will provide information and advice at time of home visit to work out a support plan that suits your financial situation.
supporting you at home to do the things you can and helping you with the things you can’t manage on your own.
Wellness emphasises identifying needs, aspirations and goals. It acknowledges and builds on strengths and has a focus on integrating support services as a path to greater independence and quality of life.
Reablement emphasises assisting people to regain functional capacity and improve independence. Similar to rehabilitation, it is goal-oriented and aims at full recovery where possible – it seeks to enable people to live their lives to the fullest.