Public Transport Training Slogan

Public Transport Training

Learn how to plan a journey, accessing public transport and working through transport issues.

At Family Based Care we work with NDIS participants to implement the supports they need to reach their life goals. There is usually no time limit for participants to achieve their goals. We recognise that each participant is an individual and the journey for them may be different from another person with similar goals.

We encourage participants to identify the gender and age group of staff they would prefer as support staff and we endeavour to match them with appropriate support staff. Individual support plans are reviewed annually or when requested due to achieving plan goals or requiring changes to the plan.

With our support, some of our participants have achieved their short term daily living goals and moved on to independent accommodation options.

Support is flexible and tailored to suit the needs of each person!

Suitable for:

  • Disability
  • Under 65
  • Located Northern Tas
  • Located North West Tas

This service is currently available to the following programs

Please call us to find out more about your eligibility 1800 684 098